

Directed by: Asia Argento

Cinema program "Misunderstood" in Łódź

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Movie poster Dziewczyna z kotem
Original title: Incompresa
Runtime: 103 min.
Production: Włochy / Francja , 2014
Category: drama
Release Date: 5 December 2014
Distribution: Spectator

Directed by: Asia Argento
Cast: Anna Lou Castoldi, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Gabriel Garko

Aria is nine years old, when it becomes involuntary witness to a turbulent separation of their parents. Feels rejected and unloved, as famous parents are more focused on their own careers and fighting among themselves.
Girl by all means try to focus their attention on, but to no avail.
Therefore, it remains alone crawl through the streets of Rome's loud, believing that her guardian angel is a black cat named Dac.

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Movie trailer: Misunderstood

Your comments

Mariposa 23. December 2014, 7:18

Film dla koneserów, historia o samotności dziecka z patologicznej, bogatej rodziny. Tytułowy kot pojawia sie i znika. Brak spójności i logiki w tym 'dziele'. O co właściwie chodziło autorom? Spodziewałam sie, ze bedzie magicznie-klimatycznie, a niestety mega rozczarowanie.

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