

Directed by: Paul Feig

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Movie poster Agentka
Original title: Spy
Runtime: 120 min.
Production: USA , 2015
Category: action / comedy
Release Date: 5 June 2015
Distribution: Imperial Cinepix

Directed by: Paul Feig
Cast: Jason Statham, Rose Byrne, Melissa McCarthy

Susan Cooper (Melissa McCarthy) works for the CIA as an analyst - is a quiet hero offices because, although not taking part in dangerous missions, performs a very important task. When her partner (Jude Law) falls into trouble, and the best agent (Jason Statham) is worked out, Susan decides to enter the world of arms dealers and prevent a disaster, working under cover.

"Agent" is the third film, where they met Melissa McCarthy and director Paul Feig. The action takes place mainly in Europe. The new environment is for Susan additional stressor - not enough that she had to get out from behind the desk, it even went abroad.

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Movie trailer: Spy

Your comments

Aga 29. July 2015, 12:47

Mnie się film podobał. Jak ktoś lubi się pośmiać to polecam.

Stokrotka 16. July 2015, 9:16

Trzeba lubić takie filmy. Byliśmy na nim w kilka osób i mamy podzielone zdania. Dla jednych super a dla drugich nie.

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