
Little Men

Directed by: Ira Sachs

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Movie poster Mali mężczyźni
Original title: Little Men
Runtime: 85 min.
Production: Grecja/Brazylia/USA , 2016
Category: drama / family
Release Date: 5 May 2017
Distribution: Mayfly

Directed by: Ira Sachs
Cast: Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Ehle, Paulina García

Thirteen-year-old Jake introduces himself with his parents in Brooklyn, a home he inherited from his recently deceased grandfather. Meet Tony, whose mother Leonor - a Chilean immigrant - runs a shop downstairs. The boys, though apparently different from one another, are quick friends. Jake wants to become an artist, Tony an actor, and both dream of getting into the same prestigious high school. The problem arises when Jake's parents, Brian and Kathy - a problem actor and a psychotherapist - ask Leonor to sign a new lease. For Tony's mother, the proposal is too high. Serious financial conflict between boys' families, exposed their testimony.

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Movie trailer: Little Men

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