

Directed by: Jean-Marc Vallee

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Movie poster Destrukcja
Original title: Demolition
Runtime: 101 min.
Production: USA , 2015
Category: drama
Release Date: 2 September 2016
Distribution: UIP

Directed by: Jean-Marc Vallee
Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Naomi Watts, Chris Cooper

A successful investment banker Davis (Jake Gyllenhaal) is trying to cope with the death of his wife he had lost as a result of a tragic car accident. It does not help him in this pressure, which exerts in-law (Chris Cooper), yet Davis tries to make life returned to normal speed. One day, Davis sent a complaint to the broken vending machine with drinks and sweets, we can meet on every corner. So begins the correspondence between him and working in a company dealing with slot machines Karen (Naomi Watts). Correspondence, which increasingly includes threads personal, soon creates between them a deep personal relationship. With the help of Karen and her fifteen-year-son (Judah Lewis), Davis starts to recover inner balance, gradually getting out of the boundless abyss of despair.

Average rate: 8.0
rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0 rating 8.0
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IMDb© rate: Destrukcja on IMDb

Movie trailer: Demolition

Your comments

Luca Pacioli 7. September 2016, 21:17

Kawał dobrego filmu.
Niesztampowy. Szczery do bólu. Inny.

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